Hello! Welcome to Cylch Meitrhin Penparc's website page.
The nursery was established in 1983. It first started down in Penparc village, in the chapel vestry, and then in 1991 it moved up to the school grounds. The nursery is held in a portacabin on Penparc Primary School yard. We welcome children between 2 and 4 years old within the Nursery. The nursery started quite small, but by today the nursery is full and is going from strength to strength every year. We work closely with the school, especially the reception class, and this makes the children's transition from nursery to starting school a lot easier.
In October 2023, the nursery won the award, "Cylch i Bawb" (Nursery for All) with Mudiad Meithrin after being nominated. The nursery is run by a committee of volunteers. They work hard to make sure that the nursery runs efficiently and raise money towards it.
Cylch Meithrin Penparc Nursery is a setting that is full of fun and laughter.
We provide the children with many different activities within the Nursery. The Nursery has an outdoor area, where a variety of activities are provided:
climbing wall
mud kitchen
planning area
sand and water area
play house
reading shed
We are able to use the school yard, for the children to have bike / balance bike sessions. Within the Nursery, everything is at the children's level, they can go and decide what activity they would like to do. We take the children out for walks within the local community, catch the bus down to our local town and visit the library, we also occasionally go on trips.

Hours / Fees
Morning sessions:
8:30 - 12pm
In order to secure a place in our morning sessions, you will need to pay for a full week.
Afternoon sessions:
1 - 3pm
£10.50 per session
Wrap around care:
12 - 3pm
£20 per session
A lunch box will need to be provided.
These fees are in line with Welsh Government rates and are evaluated annually.
Parents and guardians can apply for funded childcare and early education for up to 30 hours per week (children are eligible from the term after their 3rd birthday).
30 hours include:
at least 10 hours of early education per week - register here
up to 20 hours per week of childcare - register here
Payment can also be made through Tax free childcare.
Iard Ysgol Gynradd Penparc
SA43 2JE
Following CIW regulations, the staff to child ratio is 1:8 for three year olds, 1:4 for two-year-olds. The Cylch accepts new children from the day they turn 2, if there is room.
Miss Mary
I have been working in the nursery, nearly 11 years. I started as an assistant, then went on to be deputy leader and for the last 2 years I have been the leader. I have worked with children for nearly 20 years within different establishments. I qualified with NVQ level 5 in Children’s leadership, care, learning and development in 2017.
My favourite part about working within the nursery is seeing the children grow and develop within the 2 years they are with us and also no day is the same, every day is different in their company.
Miss Jen
I have been a part of the nursery for the last 10 years. I started as a one-to-one assistant, and continue to be so. I’m also an assistant when I do not have one-to-one children. In 2015, I did the “Cam wrth Cam” course through Mudiad Meithrin, and in 2016 I qualified with level 3 in Child care, learning and development. I have also done numerous courses, for children with additional learning needs.
I love working withing the nursery. I enjoy seeing the children development, especially the ones I work with individually.
Miss Emma
In 2019 I started the nursery as student, studying NVQ level 3 in Children’s care, learning and development. In June 2022 I qualified, and then I decided to apply for the assistant job that the nursery was advertising. In September 2022, I started my full-time position as an assistant, and enjoying every minute of it. I also enjoy being a one-to-one assistant, when needs be.
I thoroughly enjoy my job, it’s very rewarding when I see the children develop. I enjoy playing with the children and being a part of their learning journey.
Get in touch.
email: meithrinpenparc@gmail.com
Recently the Nursery had a new Muddy Kitchen area. The children thoroughly enjoy playing in it, whatever the weather. It’s an area where the children learn a lot – numeracy, literacy, wellbeing as well as belonging. The area is used every day. We are thankful to Ferwig Community Council, for their kind donation to make sure that it was possible for us to have the area.